Cinnamon Roll Dip
Countdown to Christmas Day 18
Hey guys, I’m back with another quick and easy dessert recipe! This no bake Cinnamon Roll Dip can be made in 5 minutes. Everyday from December 1st to Christmas day, I will be showing you all Christmas crafts, offering a free printable or a favorite Christmas recipe! Make sure to check back everyday for those posts, or better yet-sign up for my emails so you don’t miss anything!
This was one of my Christmas Brunch recipes, it is a hit with both the kids and the adults. It is easy to make and it takes about 5 minutes. This was also another excuse to use my new KitchenAid mixer! I have been wanting one for years and this year I finally caved in and bought one on a great Black Friday sale! It has just been sitting on my kitchen counter and I finally found “the reason” to use it! I am in LOVE with my new mixer. If you don’t have a mixer, you have to make sure you mix this very well, but it’ll definitely be much easier with a mixer. The main ingredient is cream cheeseand that can be a pain to mix, so I suggest leaving it out at room temperature so it won’t be as hard.
This creamy and sweet dip is also perfect for the summer months, I just tend to have more of a sweet tooth around Christmas!
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