DIY Rose Oil
Hey guys, I’m back with another great beauty DIY! This DIY Rose Oil can be made in an afternoon and can be added to your beauty regimen. There are many benefits of rose oil which I will get into more below! If you guys have been following me for awhile, you know how much I love making my own stuff! I am an extreme couponer so it did take me some time to rationalize spending money to buy all the supplies, when using coupons I could get these products almost free! After awhile I decided to take the plunge and purchase the supplies I needed to make my own beauty products for a variety of reasons.
A. I only buy 4 Sunday papers at a time, sometimes 4 papers don’t cut it to stock up for 6 months worth of supplies! 4 Sunday papers only equal 4 coupons for a particular product, that I would wind up paying full price at times for items I would pay next to nothing for.
B. The products I was buying are loaded with harmful chemicals that I was putting on my body, potentially doing long term damage to my body, which will cost more in the long run with medical expenses.
C. It’s just so much for fun to make your own products! You get to be in charge of what goes into your body. I have so much fun concocting different beauty recipes to try out! The best part is you don’t have to experiment because I already did the experimenting for you!
I love using this on my hair, take very little oil and rub it onto the ends of your oil. I use this in place of moroccan oil. You can mix this with your facial moisturizer for extra moisturization, you can dab this onto pimples (there is no need to use a carrier oil for this part because we are making it with a carrier oil). You can even use this to help with eczema and rosacea.
All you need is some dried rose petals, sweet almond oil, and an empty glass jar, I used a mason jar for this.
Contains Antioxidants
Antiseptic and astringent properties
Anti-inflammatory properties
Helps with depression and anxiety
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