DIY Faux Succulent Planter
Hey guys, I’m back with another great DIY project that will take about an hour start to finish! This DIY Faux Succulent Planter is the perfect centerpiece for a table! I used faux succulents for this project because I found them in the Dollar Spot at Target and I am a sucker for succulents and the Dollar Spot so when I saw these I grabbed them and figured I could come up with something! If you guys are using real succulents you have to measure the pots first then determine what size board to use. You can also make this without the faux succulents and just fill this with candles or faux floral from any arts and crafts store – only buy them on sale or with coupons!?
This will cost about $15 if you have most of the supplies on hand. The only things I had to buy was the wood which was $4 from Home Depot, the faux succulents were $3 each, and the rocks and Spanish moss was both $1 each from Dollar Tree.
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(2) 1 x 4 @ 15 1/4 inches
(2) 1 x 4 @ 5 inches
(1) 1 x 4 @ 15 3/4 inches
Assemble the box, I use Gorilla wood glue. Just spread a thin line along all the edges, I like to wait about 20 minutes for it to dry before I add my nails, otherwise it’s too wobbly! The longest piece is the bottom, the two 15 1/4 inch pieces are the two long sides and the 5 inch pieces are the short sides.
Now for staining! I used Rust-Oleum in Dark Walnut, let that sit for 5 minutes before rubbing it off.
While the stain is drying, paint the faux succulents pots, I used white Chalk Paint that I made myself, for the Chalk Paint Recipe, read here: DIY Chalk Paint With Plaster of Paris. I used 2 coats of paint for the pots.
After the paint dries on the pots, which will take about 10 minutes the most, add the white rocks with hot glue. This step is completely optional but I have kids that are obsessed with collecting rocks, so it was a necessity for me! If you don’t have little fingers to worry about, skip this step!?
Add the succulents to the box and lay them out how you want it. Once that was done I added crumbled up newspaper to the bottom of the box and layered the Spanish Moss on top of the newspapers. Sorry I didn’t take a picture of that! I found the Spanish Moss in the floral aisle in Dollar Tree, I only needed one bag, if you don’t use newspapers in the box you will probably need two or three bags of Spanish Moss.
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As usual, if you guys have any questions or comments please feel free to email me or comment in the box below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Happy Crafting!