Hey guys, I’m back with more Target Dollar Spot Finds For Fall! I went to a different Target for all of this but I will be going back to my local Target store soon for more items! They have so many great things in the Dollar Spot and it was a little hard to control myself! At this Target, they also had most of the merchandise from my previous trips. You can check that out below! For more Halloween items, check here: Target Dollar Spot Halloween 2019. And for more Fall Decor, check here: Target Dollar Spot Fall 2019.
Also, I know I have mentioned in previous posts before that I will be including the DPCI numbers along with each item so you guys can check the inventory at your local Target by using Brickseek.com. All the highlighted links below each picture will take you to Brickseek for that particular item. Do note that a lot of these items do have the same DPCI numbers even if it is a different color or is considered part of the same item, I will let you guys know below! Anyways, on to the good stuff!
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